Fungi Europaei is the most exhaustive and authoritative series of illustrated monographs on Fungi published to date. The authors of the 19 volumes are well-known European specialists of the genera monographed, each of them providing full descriptions of gross morphology and microanatomy of all the species presented and lavishly illustrated. Each volume is based on first-hand personal experience gained in years of field work as well as in the laboratory. The systematics followed or proposed in the latest issues of the series is underpinned by cutting-edge molecular research.

The series currently (September 2023) includes 20 volumes. Some volumes are out of print; we are working on their digitization.


1 – A. Cappelli, Agaricus L.: Fr. ss. Karsten. (Psailliota Fr.). (1984)

2 – C.L. Alessio, Boletus Dill ex L. (sensu lato) (1985)

2a – C.L. Alessio, Supplemento a Boletus Dill ex L. (sensu lato) (1991)

5 – M.E. Noordeloos, Entoloma s.l. (1992)

5a – M.E. Noordeloos, Entoloma s.l. (Suppl. 2004)

Latest volume published:

Availables volumes:

14a – Hebeloma (Fr.) P. Kumm. Supplement based on collections from Italy


Author: E. Grilli, H. Beker, U. Eberhardt & N. Schütz (2020)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Candusso Editrice – Copyright information: Lidia Carla Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: Italian and English (key: English, Italian, French, German) – Number of pages: 470 – Number of illustrations: 86 b/w illustrations, 294 phoyocolor. ISBN: 9788894371017

14 – Hebeloma (Fr.) P. Kumm 


Authors: H. Beker, U. Eberhardt & J. Vesterholt (2016)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Edizioni Tecnografica – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: English (key: English, Italian, German and French) – Number of pages: 1218- Number of illustrations: 200 b/w illustrations, 2654 photocolor. ISBN: 9788896059425.

13 – Strophariaceae s.l.


Author: M. E. Noordeloos (2011)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: Italian and English – Number of pages: 648- Number of illustrations: 43 b/w illustrations, 377 photocolor. ISBN: 9788890531002.

12 – Corticiaceae s.l.


Authors: A. Bernicchia & S.P. Gorjon  (2010)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: Italian and English – Number of pages: 1008- Number of illustrations: 455 b/w illustrations, 427 illustrations in colour. ISBN:9788890105791.

11 – Conocybe Fayod-Pholiotina Fayod


Author: A. Hausknecht (2009)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: Italian, English and German – Number of pages: 968- Number of illustrations: 150 b/w illustrations, 403 photocolor, 46 colored plates. ISBN: 889010578X.

10 – Polyporaceae s.l.


Author: A. Bernicchia (2005)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: Italian, English – Number of pages: 806- Number of illustrations: 292 b/w illustrations, 343 photocolor, 1 colored plates. ISBN: 8890105755.

9 – Amaniteae – AmanitaLimacella & Torrendia


Authors: P. Neville & S. Poumarat (2004)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: French – Number of pages: 1119 – Number of illustrations: 128 b/w illustrations, 202 photocolor, 113 colored plates. ISBN: 8890105739.

8 – Xerocomus s.l.


Authors: H. Ladurner & G. Simonini (2003)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: Italian (key: English, Italian) – Number of pages: 527 – Number of illustrations: 343 b/w illustrations, 290 photocolours, 21 colored plates. ISBN: 8890105720

7 – Lactarius Pers.


Author: M. T. Basso (1999)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: Italian (key: English, Italian) – Number of pages: 845 – Number of illustrations: 141 b/w illustrations, 121 photocolor, 62 colored plates. ISBN: 8887740003

6 – Hygrophorus s.l.


Author: M. Candusso (1997)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Libreria Basso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: Italian (key: English, Italian) – Number of pages: 784 – Number of illustrations: 109 b/w illustrations, 102 photocolor, 80 colored plates.

4 – Lepiota s.l.


Author: M. Candusso & G. Lanzoni (1990)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Libreria editrice Giovanna Biella – Copyright information: Lidia Carla Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: Italian (key: English, Italian) – Number of pages: 742 – Number of illustrations: 133 b/w illustrations, 80 illustrations in colour.

3a – Tricholoma (Fr.) Staude – Supplemento


Author: A. Riva (2003)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Lidia Carla Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: Italian – Number of pages: 202 – Number of illustrations: 17 b/w illustrations, 92 illustrations in colour. ISBN: 8890105704

3 – Tricholoma (Fr.) Staude


Author: A. Riva (2003)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Lidia Carla Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: Italian – Number of pages: 620 +204 (incl. 3A) – Number of illustrations: 92 b/w illustrations, 94 illustrations in colour. ISBN: 8890105712

2 – Boletus s.l. (excl. Xerocomus)


Author: J.A. Muñoz (2005)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1- Language: Spanish (key: English, Italian) – Number of pages: 952 – Number of illustrations: 110 b/w illustrations, 515 illustrations in colour. ISBN: 8890105763

1A – Agaricus L., Allopsalliota Nauta & Bas (Part II)


Author: L.A. Parra Sánchez (2013)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Editore: Edizioni Candusso – Informazioni copyright : Lidia Carla Candusso – Numero edizione: 1 – Lingua : English, Spanish (key Italian) – Numero di pagine: 1168- Numero di illustrazioni: 119 b/w illustrations, , 616 illustrations in colour, 67 col. plates. ISBN: 9788890531026.

1 – Agaricus L., Allopsalliota Nauta & Bas


Author: L.A. Parra Sánchez (2008)

Series title: Fungi Europaei – Publisher: Edizioni Candusso – Copyright information: Lidia Carla Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: English, Spanish (key Italian) – Number of pages: 824- Number of illustrations: 114 b/w illustrations, 438 illustrations in colour. ISBN: 8890105771