This is the first in a series of three volumes that the Saturnia publishing house has dedicated to the basic study of mycology. Meinhard Moser, covers the Orders of the Polyporales, the Boletales and the Agaricales (Hygrophoraceae, Tricholomataceae, Entolomataceae, Plutaceae, Amanitaceae, Agaricaceae, Coprinaceae, Bolbitiaceae, Strophariaceae, Crepidotaceae, Cortinariaceae, and the Order of the Russulales. The work is still considered an excellent guide to the determination of the fungal species of the Agaricales and of the other orders mentioned above. 3150 species are treated and most of the species belonging to the gill fungi and Boletales that can be found in Europe are presented. The species presented are arranged in numbered analytical keys, with concise descriptions but such as to identify the determining characters for each species. The introductory part deals with general topics related to chemical reagents, with a dictionary of the most common mycological terms. The book has no pictures or drawings, only the final appendix contains several elementary small line drawings of morphological and microscopic characters.
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