Fungi non delineati 2


Some rare Agaricales with brown or darker spores


Authors: A. Hausknecht & I. Krisai-Greilhuber (1997)

Series title: Fungi non DelineatiPublisher: Libreria Basso – Copyright information: Massimo Candusso – Edition number: 1 – Language: English – Number of pages: 32 – Number of illustrations: 8 b/w illustrations, 8 illustrations in colour.

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Eight rare and hitherto not well known Agaricales with brown or darker spores are described and illustrated by microscopic drawings and colour phorographs.


Conocybe ochroalbida Hauskn.,Conocybe singeriana Hauskn., Galerina chionophila Senn-Irlet, Galerina perplexa A.H. Sm., Inocybe mimica Massee, Lacrymaria glareosa (J. Favre) Watling, Psathyrella orbicularis (Romagn.) Kits van Wav., Psathyrella variata A.H. Sm.


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