About us

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Since 1981 we have been disseminating scientific information in the field of Mycology. Numerous publications of books and reviews have been written in many languages by famous international mycologists from around the world and many of who have contacted the Candusso Editrice for their high quality graphics and for the large circulation they provide at competitive prices. The chosen method of sales by post has facilitated the rapid receipt and reduced costs of distribution.

The publishing house was born from an idea of Massimo Candusso, myicologist known across the ocean, with many speaking invitations at European mycology congresses and international seminars. For this reason he is now the point of reference for the national and international mycology scene. He collaborates with the author’s to interpret the contents of their book’s and contributes by modifying and expanding them in respect of the science of mycology.

Since October 2019 Candusso Editrice has been appointed official AMB distributor.